Mount new tyres behind?
Why mount the best tyres behind ?
Does your car have front-or backwheeloperation? It does not matter. We advise you to always assemble your newest or best tyres on the rear axle. This creates more safety in unexxpected and tough situations such as an emergency stop or fast turn. Especially on a wet roadway!
Numerous tests have proven it
- It is much easier to maintain control over the front axis than the rear axis. The front axle is the steering axle.
- The slipping of the fron ale will be felt faster than the loss of control in the rear axis.
New tires, new behaviour of the car
When new tyres are placed on the front axis, the behaviour of the car will change. The quality between front and rear axis will actually be reversed. As a driver, you will be in for a surprise, because youare used to the having less grip at the front. Only experienced drivers will know how to react correctly in this dangerous situation. The rear axle is harder to control than the front axis.
When you assemble the new tires on the rear axis, the behaviour of the car remains unchanged because the wear equivalence has not changed. The grip of the rear axis becomes better. Slipping in a turn will happen on the front axle. As a driver, you won't have any trouble steering your car and keeping it under control. This is done by releasing the gas pedal and steering in the direction of the turn.