Leasing & Fleet
Do you have a leased car?
Autocenter De Rudder is affiliated with ETC (Eurotyre - CEVA). Thanks to this partnership, we work for all the major leasing companies. Since 1 Januari, we belong to the CEVA Tyre network: This is a higlhy selective network of tire centers, specialised in providing high-quality service and warranty.
Our services:
- Pick up service: We pick up and return your vehicle.
- Online booking: make an appointment via our site whenever you wish.
- Tire hotel: no routine with tires; we stock your winter and summer tires
- Followup of your leasing files and contracts with your leasing company.
- Professional: we work with the most modern machines in an extremely tidy workplace.
- Cars that were hoisted by breakdown assistance VAB, Touring or other services with a damaged tires are received by us and solved as quickly as possible so that you as a driver experience the least amount of discomfort and can get back on the road..
Our additional assets:
- 100% mobile: In certain situations, we have a replacement vehicle available.
- Nocturne: During the winter periods, we are open on wensday until 20 o'clock!
- Personal contact: You will receive a personal contact person, who will handle all you services.

Our tips:
- Apply your winter tires before 1 november.
- Reserve your tires on time.
- Arrange an appointment via our online agenda.
- Stop by once in a while to give your tires a checkup: wear, tire pressure