About us
Autocenter De Rudder bvba is a family business started in 1986 . It is within walking distance of the village center of Hoeilaart at 1 km from Groenendaal exit the RO (Grand Brussels Ring ) towards center Hoeilaart. Neighboring municipalities are Overijse, Terhulpen, Tervuren and Boitsfort. The tire specialist is affiliated with Ceva Tyre Network a quality network of professionals specialized in tires and rims for individuals and leasing companies.
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Marc En Jurgen
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Thule Shop32823280364 B2405b53a4 O
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20210428 184709
20191204 104420
Zaterdag Gesloten
De Rudder
20220209 060146 (002)
20220208 172606 (003)
20210908 142445
20220507 062556 (002)
20230629 064401 (002)
20221120 D857960 (002)111
20230629 064238 (002)
Dhh24 01 2021druivencross2021 1298
20210125 063045
Overijse Druivenkoers Overijse, 27 Augustus 2014, Aankomst (c21)
Geo Foto 6bis Demoavond 3
20191022 193514
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20240315 111604 (002)
20210428 184710
Autocenter De Rudder is started in 1986; situated 500 meter from "ring around Brussel" near Overijse and Terhulpen 50 meters from the center of Hoeilaart and 100 meters from Groenendaal.
The company is member of CEVA tyre network; a professional organisation of tyre spécialists and De Rudder is also a official Thule Partner.
Marc, Paula, Jürgen, Pascale, Didier and there team of 8 people welcomes you for a professional service..