Autocenter De Rudder bvba is a family business started in 1986 . It is within walking distance of the village center of Hoeilaart at 1 km from Groenendaal exit the RO (Grand Brussels Ring ) towards center Hoeilaart. Neighboring municipalities are Overijse, Terhulpen, Tervuren and Boitsfort. The tire specialist is affiliated with Ceva Tyre Network a quality network of professionals specialized in tires and rims for individuals and leasing companies. 


Autocenter De Rudder is started in 1986; situated 500 meter from "ring around Brussel" near Overijse and Terhulpen 50 meters from the center of Hoeilaart and 100 meters from Groenendaal. 

The company is member of CEVA tyre network; a professional organisation of tyre spécialists and De Rudder is also a official Thule Partner.  

Marc, Paula, Jürgen, Pascale, Didier and there team of 8 people welcomes you for a professional service..